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Pulsar Instruments Short-Listed for Made In Yorkshire Awards

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Pulsar Instruments Short-Listed for Made In Yorkshire Awards

By: Ben Scott

Pulsar Instruments was shortlisted for the 2018 Made In Yorkshire Awards in the category of ‘Biggest Change

This category was a very open category and invited nominations from an individual or company who had developed, innovated or changed over the year.  And the judging panel felt that 2018 had indeed been a year of change for Pulsar Instruments. 

We have seen several fundamental changes to the business and the way we do business during 2018 with excellent results. In the main these cover changes to key personnel and the introduction of e-commerce to the company as well as the launch of several new product lines.” says Simon Rehill, General Manager of Pulsar Instruments. 


Pulsar Instruments is a small, but key player, in a very competitive marketplace. Over the past 49 years, we have established ourselves as a key manufacturer and supplier of noise measurement instruments principally for the Health and Safety noise at work market, and like Pulsar itself, our products have a reputation for being robust and reliable, indeed we are still producing and servicing some of the same models we have been making for the last 30 years or more. 

Big changes

Enter a series of big changes to who Pulsar is, how we do business and what we offer our customers.

Key personnel changes

Pulsar is a small company with limited personnel so any changes in personnel have an immediate and large impact on the way the company runs day to day and its culture.

  • In September 2017, Pulsar recruited a new Sales Manager / Export Sales Manager, Simon Rehill. His remit was (and still is) to grow Pulsar’s export sales.
  • In October 2017, Pulsar’s Marketing Manager moved on to pastures new, and Pulsar recruited a replacement, Laura Jenkins, who took over the role in November 2017.
  • Sarah Brack, Pulsar’s Managing Director of 9 years, left the company to manage another in April 2018. At this point, Simon Rehill took over steering the company in the role of General Manager.

Product Innovation

Pulsar has seen the successful market introduction of three new products this year. The first two build on Pulsar’s current range of noise measurement equipment whilst the third is an entry into a new product area for the company.

  1. Working with Interserve, Pulsar launched a transportable noise safety system encompassing a noise-activated warning sign and hearing protection dispenser for use on live construction site, in workshops, garages and other noisy environments.
  2. We’ve launched an outdoor measurement kit for our Nova sound level meters which quickly turns a handheld meter suitable into a semi-permanent waterproof meter suitable for long-term 24/7 environmental noise measurements in all weathers.
  3. Pulsar has entered another branch of the Health and Safety market with the introduction of our Hand Arm Vibration Meter to protect workers from permanent disabling effects of using power tools.

These new products have reinvigorated our market and improved our recognition in the field as a trusted supplier of Health and Safety measurement instruments.

New routes to market

Pulsar Instruments has about 50% export sales and 50% UK sales. The majority of our export sales have relied on a network of some 41 distribution partners around the world, whilst in the UK sales are gained through traditional routes to market (advertising, enquiring, demonstration and sale). 

The idea of an e-commerce route to market has been discussed by the company since 2011 and finally has come to fruition in 2018 to make sure we are keeping up with our competitors. A new website was launched in June, and then with further development, Pulsar’s new e-commerce site was launched in August 2018.  

Because of the size of Pulsar, we are able to be adaptable and flexible in our business processes and react quickly to changes in the market, including adapting and changing the way we sell to our customers“. Says Laura Jenkins, Pulsar’s Marketing Manager.


Pulsar’s financial year end starts 1 June every year, and since the start of this financial year 2018/19, and despite a significant rise in our sales target, Pulsar Instruments has thus far exceeded forecast sales, and is growing month on month. 

Whilst we are still in the early days of promoting our e-shop we are yet to fully evaluate the success of this new route to market and the long-term impact on sales, but all indications are that it will further invigorate our sales and attract new customers to our website both in the UK and the rest of the world.

50 Year Milestone

Next year will be our 50th Birthday and we have lots of plans in place to make sure we make the most of this milestone and have another big year!

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