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Pulsar Instruments Announces Two New Distributors in the Middle East

Unternehmens Nachrichten

Pulsar Instruments Announces Two New Distributors in the Middle East

By: Callum Wallis

As part of Pulsar Instruments’ ongoing commitment to expanding in the Middle East, we are excited to announce partnerships with two new regional distributors.

After thorough research into the market, it was clear that ITT Innovations was the right company to be our representative in the United Arab Emirates, along with their partner company, AMEGTECH, in Jordan. Their clear vision for the future, matched with their expertise, made this a very easy decision.

ITT Innovations and AMEGTECH will be exhibiting at the MENA HSE Forum 2023 on November 1 – 2 at the Sheraton Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE. Pulsar Instruments’ General Manager, Simon Rehill, will be joining them on stand number 5 to answer questions and support our new partners.

If you are attending the event, visit us on the stand and explore our health and safety monitoring solutions. This is a prime opportunity to come and meet the leadership behind our new partners and explore our range of noise and vibration monitoring equipment.

Introducing the Pulsar vB² Human Vibration Meter

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