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Buy sound level meters online with total confidence

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Ratschläge zur Schallkontrolle

Buy sound level meters online with total confidence

By: Admin

Why you should have faith when you buy sound level meters online from Pulsar Instruments

High standards of management and quality controls

Pulsar Instruments plc, is one of the fastest-growing manufacturers and suppliers of noise measurement products in the world, announced today that it has resecured its recertification audit from the British Standards Institute (BSI) for ISO9001.  So whether you are a prospective customer or have been with us for many years, you can be absolutely certain that when you buy sound level meters online from Pulsar Instruments Plc, you can have total confidence you are making the right choice.

The audit, conducted on behalf of BSI, assessed our management systems for quality and superior process,” said Simon Rehill, General Manager. “Passing the audit once again this year shows our customers in the UK and around the world our strong commitment to running a high-quality company.”

Continuous improvement

Under ISO, a company is audited annually and must pass a recertification audit.  During each audit, the company’s operating practices are verified for conformity to its stated processes and procedures.

Last month, our Quality Management System was found to comply with every single requirement of ISO 9001:2015 for the development, procurement, supply and related training of sound and noise measuring and monitoring instrumentation to a worldwide market.

We conduct many internal audits throughout the year as part of its plan to improve our processes and ensure that our customers are satisfied by the level of service and products we provide.

Noise measurement experts for 50 years

Pulsar Instruments plc, a front-runner in acoustic research and noise measurement product development. makes their instruments aimed at safety professionals company in North Yorkshire and sells them online in the UK and Internationally and through a network of sales partners. The company’s product portfolio includes basic digital noise meters to highly innovative sound level meters, personal noise dosemeters, noise-activated warning signs, and now also hand-arm vibration meters. This month, the firm also announced that it is celebrating 50 years in business.

So whether you live locally, nationally or internationally, you can rest assured that when you buy a sound meter online and associated equipment from Pulsar Instruments, you can do so with complete confidence.

Introducing the Pulsar vB² Human Vibration Meter

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