Recommended products from Pulsar Instruments™
- Noise Warning Sign – Pulsar SafeEar MasterFrom $530,60 (Ex. VAT/GST)
- Low-Cost Decibel Meter – Pulsar Nova Class 1From $2.220,40 (Ex. VAT/GST)

Hospitality Noise Monitoring
With the hospitality industry now given the go-ahead from the government to open back up without restriction, business owners will need to be aware of the impact that their business will have on the local community.
If your business is located in a residential area you will need to be mindful that residents have adapted to the noise levels during lockdown meaning there may be an influx of noise complaints with everything opening back up at once.
Outdoor entertainment also has an impact on environmental noise.
Please refer to our Pulsar Nova range of sound level meters for specific applications or contact us to discuss your hospitality noise monitoring requirements. You may also be interested in our SafeEar Noise Activated Warning Signs, this enables you to set a noise level limit and have the sign activate when the limit is exceeded so you can take action to prevent complaints.
Case Study
We have worked with the health and safety team at Leeds Arena recently to monitor and control their staff’s exposure to excessive noise levels with the Nova noise measurement system.
Leeds Direct Arena
Entertainment Noise

As of April 2008 the entertainment industry is now expected to comply with ‘The Control of Noise at Work Regulations’ (2005).
This development recognises that music is unusual as it is noise deliberately created for enjoyment and therefore practical guidelines are necessary to help workers, employers and freelancers in the music and entertainment sectors protect their hearing and safeguard their careers. As such, owners and venue operators are now legally obliged to ensure their workforce is protected from excessive noise levels.
Music and entertainment sectors defined in the Noise Regulations are workplaces where live music is played or where recorded music is played in places such as a restaurant, public house, discotheque or nightclub, or alongside live music or a live dramatic or dance performance.
To help you understand the key issues, Pulsar Instruments Plc have produced a Free downloadable Guide for employers detailing the new regulations and offering simple advice and answers to the most commonly-asked questions.
This informative, easy to read pack includes helpful information on:
- The health effects of noise
- The new regulations
- Noise measurement basics
- Noise risk assessments
- Noise control
The guide also contains many useful links from websites such as the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) to further enhance your knowledge in this area. They also provide specific guidance on their website ‘Sound Advice‘.
Recommended products from Pulsar Instruments™
Please refer to our Quantifier Range or Pulsar Nova range of sound level meters for specific applications or contact us to discuss your entertainment noise monitoring requirements. You may also find our personal noise dosemeter, the NoiseBadge, of use when undertaking noise measurements relating to capture individual noise exposure for hard to reach staff. Such staff include: bar staff, security staff, artists/musicians, maintenance or health and safety staff.
- Noise Warning Sign – Pulsar SafeEar MasterFrom $530,60 (Ex. VAT/GST)
- Individual Shoulder-Mounted Noise Dosemeter (Model 22)From $694,40 (Ex. VAT/GST)
- Low-Cost Decibel Meter – Pulsar Nova Class 1From $2.220,40 (Ex. VAT/GST)
Case Study
We have worked with the health and safety team at Leeds Arena recently to monitor and control their staff’s exposure to excessive noise levels with the Nova noise measurement system.
Leeds Direct Arena