We’ve delivered another successful Noise Awareness Course!
Pulsar Instruments has successfully delivered its March One Day Noise Awareness Course to Health and Safety professionals in York. The course, which took place on 7 March 2018, covered everything from ‘how our hearing works’ to giving practical bespoke advice to individual delegates on measuring and managing noise in their workplaces.
“We try to give people a core understanding of the issues related to the Control of Noise at Work Regulations, and the practical knowledge of how to carry out their own noise assessments”. Said Graham Ellicott, Pulsar Instruments’ Senior Acoustician.

Did you miss out? Further dates are available including:
25 April 2018 – York, National Railway Museum
13 June 2018 – Leicester, National Space Centre
19 September 2018 – York, National Railway Museum
The course programme includes: basic noise theory, noise units and terminology, noise control basics and more. All training courses include, all training materials, course materials, access to loan instruments, refreshments and buffet lunch.
Simon Rehill, General Manager of Pulsar Instruments said “It’s perfect for people who are new to carrying out noise assessments, as well as for health and safety professionals who might need a bit of a ‘refresher’”.