Pulsar Instruments Plc is delighted to announce that our ISO 9001 Certification has been updated to the latest 2015 edition. We scored an excellent 100% on our recent assessment – a rare event according to BSI assessors – even better, there were zero ‘non-conformity’ issues so our 100% score was gained in one assessment, with no reassessment required.

Our new ISO 9001:2015 certificate replaces the previous ISO 9001:2008 certification and further shows our dedication to providing our customers with a high quality service and product.
As a business, Pulsar sell noise measurement equipment globally to help other business’ protect their workforce from Noise Induced Hearing Loss and prevent costly insurance claims. We aim to continuously manage and grow our Distribution Network and ensure direct end users are given the correct guidance, training and support to enable them to comply with the Noise at work Regulations. This is reflected in the integrity of our management system with regard to the sale and procurement of noise measuring and monitoring instrumentation including related training and provision of product service, repair and calibration.
“Our quality management system has recently been enhanced by the addition of new personnel in the company, who have bought fresh external perspectives and provided renewed impetus” said, Simon Rehill, General Manager of Pulsar Instruments Plc. “The results of this assessment clearly reflect our ongoing commitment to quality management, communication, training and customer service.”
You can download a copy of our ISO 9001 certificate from our downloads library
For further information about Pulsar Instruments or its products please email: [email protected] or call +44 1723 518011.
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About Pulsar Instruments
Pulsar Instruments Plc, established in 1969, has been helping companies around the world meet their legal requirements for safeguarding their employees’ hearing for 50 Years by providing affordable, robust, accurate and easy to use Noise Measurement equipment.
Pulsar Instruments Plc has its Head Quarters i.n Filey, North Yorkshire, and operates a worldwide network of sales partners and distributors to reach its global markets.
Its comprehensive range of Sound level meters, noise meters, personal noise dosemeters, noise-activated warning signs, safety professional kits and outdoor monitoring kits are designed with the busy health and safety professional in mind.
Its Noise Measurement Equipment monitors noise levels accurately, identifies locations where there are noise at work problems and employees who may be affected; and they capture essential evidential data to avoid costly civil compensation claims for noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
As well as selling and renting noise meters and other sound level meters, Pulsar Instruments works closely with several consultants, to provide comprehensive training to H&S professionals and to provide noise consultancy solutions